Sunday, October 7, 2007

# 4 Wiki wacky woo

Well I've had a good look at a few wikis now and thought I'd look myself up on Wikipedia, and what do I find? A most unflattering photo that makes my hips look much larger than they actually are! To whom do I complain?

I must say I'm a tad underwhelmed by wikis generally, my tiny dinosaur mind finds it hard to put too much trust in something that would accept a contribution from the likes of me (shades of Groucho Marx, "I don't care to belong to a club that has people like me as members")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well they do say the camera adds ten pounds! (though in your case the figure is more likely to approximate ten thousand pounds). On the plus side, once you find the errant photographer you can eat him/her, a luxury not available to us mere mortals.