Monday, October 29, 2007

#6 RSS Feeds for the diet conscious

This could be how you end up if you don't approach RSS feeds warily! I can see their usefulness, but I think I'd rather visit websites and pick and choose from the content on offer...... I suspect that you could end up with an awful lot of unread items very easily. Which reminds me, I'd better go and check whats landed in my Google Reader.....blast!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

5# To Wiki is human but to crush divine

This is a photo of a dear friend of mine, Gorgo, taken on his recent holiday in London......he just loves stomping around those olde worlde tourist venues! Some people say we look alike, but I just don't see it......

Anyway I've played around with a few more Wikis, and even added a couple of things to the Learning 2.0 one, so I'm hoping to get a gold star for this section.
Now onwards to RSS feeds, and I hope they don't interfere with my radioactive core, otherwise I shall be most upset.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

# 4 Wiki wacky woo

Well I've had a good look at a few wikis now and thought I'd look myself up on Wikipedia, and what do I find? A most unflattering photo that makes my hips look much larger than they actually are! To whom do I complain?

I must say I'm a tad underwhelmed by wikis generally, my tiny dinosaur mind finds it hard to put too much trust in something that would accept a contribution from the likes of me (shades of Groucho Marx, "I don't care to belong to a club that has people like me as members")

Thursday, October 4, 2007

# 3 Method in my radioactive madness

Goddies iPod playlist in the previous post was an attempt to see how easy it might be to post images with exceedingly urbane text (okay, okay), and it is indeed remarkably straightforward. This could be a great way for different collections and services to advertise recent acquisitions, events, the dreaded "staff favourites" and other novel matters. And perhaps in a slightly more conversational, less formal manner than normal .

But hopefully not leading to this.......

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

# 2 What's on Goddies iPod

What else did you expect me to be listening to? That train really was crunchy; I think I lost a filling.

I was recently devastating a small coastal community and popped my head into the local library where I picked up this marvellous recording. Needless to say I'd left my library card at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, but the librarian kindly let me take it anyway; I left the building standing to show my appreciation.

My good friend Mecha Godzilla gave me this wonderful recording of Rameau's opera for my recent birthday......totally wild! Makes me want to go off and stomp all over Paris!

As you can see I've managed to load some pics into this post, after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing with help pages, Picasa, etc. Not all that clear, but trial and error and a few well chosen expletives saved the day. Now if anyone mentions copyright I'll fry them to a cinder......

Monday, October 1, 2007

# 1 Getting started

This was much easier than I wonder there are so many blogs out there! The hardest part was choosing a name, but then again we radioactive dinsoaurs generally think with our feet.